Journal Papers
Yongxue Chen, Tianyu Zhang, Yuming Huang, Tao Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Co-optimization of tool orientations, kinematic redundancy, and waypoint timing for robot-assisted manufacturing", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, accepted, February 2025.
Weiming Wang, Yanhao Hou, Renbo Su, Weiguang Wang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Simultaneous topology optimization of differentiable and non-differentiable objectives via morphology learning: stiffness and cell growth on scaffold", Advanced Intelligent Discovery, accepted, February 2025.
Tianyu Zhang, Tao Liu, Neelotpal Dutta, Yongxue Chen, Renbo Su, Zhizhou Zhang, Weiming Wang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Toolpath generation for high density spatial fiber printing guided by principal stresses", Composites Part B: Engineering, vol.295, 112154 (17 pages), April 2025.
Gang Xu, Xie Jin, Weizhen Zhong, Masahiro Toyoura, Ran Ling, Jinlan Xu, Renshu Gu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Timon Rabczuk, "IGA-Graph-Net: Isogeometric analysis-reuse method based on graph neural networks for topology-consistent models", Journal of Computational Physics, vol.521, 113544 (18 pages), January 2025.
Yuming Huang, Yuhu Guo, Renbo Su, Xingjian Han, Junhao Ding, Tianyu Zhang, Tao Liu, Weiming Wang, Guoxin Fang, Xu Song, Emily Whiting, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Learning based toolpath planner on diverse graphs for 3D printing", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024), vol.43, no.6, article no.229 (16 pages), December 2024.
Xiangjia Chen, Lip M. Lai, Zishun Liu, Chengkai Dai, Isaac C.W. Leung, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yeung Yam, "Computer-controlled 3D surface weaving", Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol.90, 102819 (12 pages), December 2024.
Tao Liu, Tianyu Zhang, Yongxue Chen, Yuming Huang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Neural slicer for multi-axis 3D printing", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2024), vol.43, no.4, article no.85 (15 pages), July 2024.
Shiyao Wang, Xiuping Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Jian Liu, "Physics-aware iterative learning and prediction of saliency map for bimanual grasp planning", Computer Aided Geometric Design, vol.111, 102298 (14 pages), June 2024.
Neelotpal Dutta, Tianyu Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Ismail E. Yigit, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Vector field based volume peeling for multi-axis machining", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.24, no.5, 051001 (12 pages), May 2024.
Yinan Meng, Guoxin Fang, Jiong Yang, Yuhu Guo, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Spring-IMU fusion based proprioception for feedback control of soft manipulators", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Focused Section on Compliant Mechanisms for Mechatronics, vol.29, no.2, pp.832-842, April 2024.
Guoxin Fang, Tianyu Zhang, Yuming Huang, Zhizhou Zhang, Kunal Masania, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Exceptional mechanical performance by spatial printing with continuous fiber: curved slicing, toolpath generation and physical verification", Additive Manufacturing, vol.82, 104048 (16 pages), February 2024.
Mian Qin, Junhao Ding, Shuo Qu, Xu Song, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Wei-Hsin Liao, "Deep reinforcement learning based toolpath generation for thermal uniformity in laser powder bed fusion process", Additive Manufacturing, vol.79, 103937 (12 pages), January 2024.
Yuming Huang, Guoxin Fang, Tianyu Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Turning-angle optimized printing path of continuous carbon fiber for cellular structures", Additive Manufacturing, vol.68, 103501 (16 pages), April 2023.
Weiming Wang, Dongwei Feng, Li Yang, Shan Li, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Topology optimisation of self-supporting lattice structure", Additive Manufacturing, vol.67, 103507 (17 pages), April 2023.
Mian Qin, Shuo Qu, Junhao Ding, Xu Song, Shiming Gao, Charlie C.L. Wang, Wei-Hsin Liao, "Adaptive toolpath generation for distortion reduction in laser powder bed fusion process", Additive Manufacturing, vol.64, 103432 (15 pages), February 2023.
Tianyu Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Yuming Huang, Neelotpal Dutta, Sylvain Lefebvre, Zekai Murat Kilic, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "S^3-Slicer: A general slicing framework for multi-axis 3D printing", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022), vol.41, no.6, article no.277 (15 pages), December 2022. (Best Paper Award - Technical Papers)
Guoxin Fang, Yingjun Tian, Zhi-Xin Yang, Jo M.P. Geraedts, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Efficient Jacobian-based inverse kinematics with sim-to-real transfer of soft robots by learning", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol.27, no.6, pp.5296-5306, December 2022.
Zeyu Zhang, Chenming Wu, Chengkai Dai, Qingqing Shi, Guoxin Fang, Dongfang Xie, Yong-Jin Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Xiu-Jie Wang, "A multi-axis robot-based bioprinting platform for bioactive artificial blood vessel and cardiac tissue fabrication", Bioactive Materials, vol.18, pp.138-150, December 2022.
Renbo Su, Yingjun Tian, Mingwei Du, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Optimizing out-of-plane stiffness for soft grippers", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, Japan, October 23-27, 2022, vol.7, no.4, pp.10430-10437, October 2022.
Bin Liu, Xiuping Liu, Zhixin Yang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Concise and effective network for 3D human modeling from orthogonal silhouettes", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.22, no.5, 051004 (11 pages), October 2022.
Mian Qin, Shiming Gao, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Wei-Hsin Liao, "Multi-axis direct metal deposition process with effective regrouping strategy", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol.81, pp.707-716, September 2022.
Yingjun Tian, Guoxin Fang, Justas Petrulis, Andrew Weightman, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Soft robotic mannequin: design and algorithm for deformation control", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Focused Section on TMECH/AIM Emerging Topics, vol.27, no.4, pp.1820-1828, August 2022.
Yabin Xu, Liangliang Nan, Laishui Zhou, Jun Wang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "HRBF-Fusion: Accurate 3D reconstruction from RGB-D data using on-the-fly implicits", ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol.41, no.3, article no.35 (19 pages), June 2022.
Dandan Wang, Jinlan Xu, Fei Gao, Charlie C.L. Wang, Renshu Gu, Fei Lin, Timon Rabczuk, and Gang Xu, "IGA-Reuse-NET: A deep-learning-based isogeometric analysis-reuse approach with topology-consistent parameterization", Computer Aided Geometric Design, vol.95, 102087 (16 pages), May 2022.
Jian Qin, Fu Hu, Ying Liu, Paul Witherell, Charlie C.L. Wang, David W. Rosen, Timothy Simpson, Yan Lu, Qian Tang, "Research and application of machine learning for additive manufacturing", Additive Manufacturing, vol.52, 102691 (25 pages), April 2022. (Survey Paper)
Tim Kuipers, Renbo Su, Jun Wu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "ITIL: Interlaced topologically interlocking lattice for continuous dual-material extrusion", Additive Manufacturing, vol.50, 102495 (11 pages), February 2022.
Xiangjia Chen, Guoxin Fang, Wei-Hsin Liao, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Field-based toolpath generation for 3D printing continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites", Additive Manufacturing, vol.49, 102470 (13 pages), January 2022.
Mindan Ren, Wanping Lu, Qi Shao, Fei Han, Wenqi Ouyang, Tianyu Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Shi-Chi Chen, "Aberration-free large-area stitch-free 3D nano-printing based on binary holography", Optics Express, vol.29, no.26, pp.44250-44263, December 2021.
Shengjun Liu, Tao Liu, Qiang Zou, Weiming Wang, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Memory-efficient modeling and slicing of large-scale adaptive lattice structures", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.21, no.6, 061003 (16 pages), December 2021.
Tianyu Zhang, Xiangjia Chen, Guoxin Fang, Yingjun Tian, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Singularity-aware motion planning for multi-axis additive manufacturing", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Presented at IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2021), Lyon, France, August 23-27, 2021, vol.6, no.4, pp.6172-6179, October 2021. (Finalist of Best Student Paper Award)
Zishun Liu, Xingjian Han, Yuchen Zhang, Xiangjia Chen, Yukun Lai, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Emily Whiting, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Knitting 4D garment with elasticity controlled for body motion", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2021), vol.40, no.4, article no.62 (16 pages), August 2021.
Rob B.N. Scharff, Guoxin Fang, Yingjun Tian, Jun Wu, Jo M.P. Geraedts, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Sensing and reconstruction of 3D deformation on pneumatic soft robots", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol.26, no.4, pp.1877-1885, August 2021.
Junhao Ding, Qiang Zou, Shuo Qu, Paulo Bartolo, Xu Song, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "STL-free design and manufacturing paradigm for high-precision powder bed fusion", CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, vol.70, no.1, pp.167-170, July 2021.
Chuhua Xian, Dongjiu Zhang, Chengkai Dai, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Fast generation of high fidelity RGB-D images by deep-learning with adaptive convolution", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.18, no.3, pp.1328-1340, July 2021.
Guoxin Fang, Tianyu Zhang, Sikai Zhong, Xiangjia Chen, Zichun Zhong, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Reinforced FDM:
Multi-axis filament alignment with controlled anisotropic strength", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020), vol.39, no.6, article no.204 (15 pages), November 2020.
Yiu-Bun Wu, Bin Liu, Xiuping Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Data-driven human modeling by sparse representation",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.128, 102913, November 2020.
Tim Kuipers, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Jun Wu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"A framework for adaptive width control of dense contour-parallel toolpaths in fused deposition modeling",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.128, 102907, November 2020.
Chengkai Dai, Sylvain Lefebvre, Kai-Ming Yu, Jo M.P. Geraedts, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Planning jerk-optimized trajectory with discrete-time constraints for redundant robots",
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.17, no.4, pp.1711-1724, October 2020.
Chenming Wu, Yong-Jin Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Learning to accelerate decomposition for multi-directional 3D printing", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,
Presented at IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2020), Hong Kong, August 20-24, 2020,
vol.5, no.4, pp.5897-5904, October 2020.
Guoxin Fang, Christopher-Denny Matte, Rob B.N. Scharff, Tsz-Ho Kwok, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Kinematics of soft robots by geometric computing", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol.36, no.4, pp.1272-1286, August 2020.
Chenming Wu, Chengkai Dai, Guoxin Fang, Yong-Jin Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"General support-effective decomposition for multi-directional 3-D printing",
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.17, no.2, pp.599-610, April 2020.
Weiming Wang, Dirk Munro, Charlie C.L. Wang, Fred van Keulen, and Jun Wu,
"Space-time topology optimization for additive manufacturing: concurrent optimization of structural layout and fabrication sequence",
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol.61, pp.1-18, January 2020. (ISSMO/Springer Prize)
Lars Rossing, Rob B.N. Scharff, Bryan Chompff, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Eugeni L. Doubrovski,
"Bonding between silicones and thermoplastics using 3D printed mechanical interlocking",
Materials & Design, vol.186, article no.108254, January 2020.
Rob B.N. Scharff, Rens M. Doornbusch, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Jun Wu, Jo M.P. Geraedts, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Color-based proprioception of soft actuators interacting with objects",
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol.24, no.5, pp.1964-1973, October 2019.
Chenming Wu, Rui Zeng, Jia Pan, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong-Jin Liu,
"Plant phenotyping by deep-learning based planner for multi-robots",
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,
Presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019),
Macau, November 4-8, 2019, vol.4, no.4, pp.3113-3120, October 2019.
Tim Kuipers, Jun Wu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"CrossFill: Foam structure with graded density for continuous material extrusion",
Computer-Aided Design, Special Issue of 2019 Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling,
June 17-19, 2019, Vancouver, Canada, pp.37-50, September 2019. (Best Paper Award - 2nd Place)
Xiaoting Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Melina Skouras, Gwenda Gieseler, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Emily Whiting,
"Computational design of fabric formwork", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2019),
vol.38, no.4, article no.109 (13 pages), July 2019.
Jimmy Etienne, Nicolas Ray, Daniele Panozzo, Samuel Hornus, Charlie C.L. Wang,
Jonas Martinez, Sara McMains, Marc Alexa, Brian Wyvill, and Sylvain Lefebvre,
"CurviSlicer: Slightly curved slicing for 3-axis printers", ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2019),
vol.38, no.4, article no.81 (11 pages), July 2019.
Chenming Wu, Chengkai Dai, Xiaoxi Gong, Yong-Jin Liu, Jun Wang, Xianfeng Gu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Energy-efficient coverage path planning for general terrain surfaces",
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,
Presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019), Montreal, Canada,
May 20-24, 2019, vol.4, no.3, pp.2584-2591, July 2019.
Tao Hou, Jun Xu, Willemijn S. Elkhuizen, Charlie C.L. Wang, Jiehui Jiang, Jo M.P. Geraedts, and Yu Song,
"Design of 3D wireless power transfer system based on 3D printed electronics", IEEE Access, vol.7, pp.94793 - 94805, July 2019.
Wuyuan Xie, Ying Nie, Zhan Song, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Mesh-based computation for solving photometric stereo with near point lighting",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.39, no.3, pp.73-85, May/June 2019.
Mingqiang Wei, Yang Tian, Wai-Man Pang, Charlie C.L. Wang, Ming-Yong Pang, Jun Wang, Jing Qin, and Pheng-Ann Heng,
"Bas-relief modeling from normal layers",
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.25, no.4, pp.1651-1665, April 2019.
Yuen-Shan Leung, Tsz-Ho Kwok, Xiangjia Li, Yang Yang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen,
"Challenges and status on design and computation for emerging additive manufacturing technologies",
ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.19, no.2, 021013, March 2019. (Survey Paper)
Eric Garner, Helena M.A. Kolken, Charlie C.L. Wang, Amir A. Zadpoor, and Jun Wu,
"Compatibility in microstructural optimization for additive manufacturing",
Additive Manufacturing, vol.26, pp.65-75, March 2019.
Minjing Yu, Zipeng Ye, Yongjin Liu, Ying He, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"LineUp: Computing chain-based physical transformation",
ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol.38, no.1, article no.11 (16 pages), February 2019.
Huachao Mao, Tsz-Ho Kwok, Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Adaptive slicing based on efficient profile analysis for additive manufacturing",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.107, pp.89-101, February 2019.
Weiming Wang, Yong-Jin Liu, Jun Wu, Shengjing Tian, Charlie C.L. Wang, Ligang Liu, and Xiuping Liu,
"Support-free hollowing", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
vol.24, no.10, pp.2787-2798, October 2018.
Aamir Khan Jadoon, Chenming Wu, Yong-Jin Liu, Ying He, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Interactive partitioning of 3D models into printable parts",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.38, no.4, pp.38-53, July/August 2018.
Chengkai Dai, Charlie C.L. Wang, Chenming Wu, Sylvain Lefebvre, Guoxin Fang, and Yongjin Liu,
"Support-free volume printing by multi-axis motion",
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2018), vol.37, no.4, article no.134 (13 pages), July 2018.
Ran Yi, Chenming Wu, Yong-Jin Liu, Ying He, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Delta DLP 3D printing of large models",
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.15, no.3, pp.1193-1204, July 2018.
Xiuping Liu, Liping Lin, Jun Wu, Weiming Wang, Baocai Yin, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Generating sparse self-supporting wireframe models for 3D printing using mesh simplification", Graphical Models, selected papers from Computational Visual Media conference (CVM) 2018, vol.98, pp.14-23, July 2018.
Jikai Liu, Andrew T. Gaynor, Shikui Chen, Zhan Kang, Krishnan Suresh, Akihiro Takezawa, Lei Li, Junji Kato, Jinyuan Tang, Charlie C.L. Wang, Lin Cheng, Xuan Liang, and Albert C To, "Current and future trends in topology optimization for additive manufacturing", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol.57, no.6, pp.2457-2483, June 2018. (Survey Paper)
Chuhua Xian, Shuo Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Efficient C2-weighting for image warping", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.38, no.1, pp.59-76, January 2018.
Hamideh Khanbareh, Kevin de Boom, Ben Schelen, Rob B.N. Scharff, Charlie C.L. Wang, S. van der Zwaag, and Pim W.A. Groen, "Large area and flexible micro-porous piezoelectric composite sensors for soft robotic skin", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol.263, pp.554-562, August 2017.
Shuo Jin, Chengkai Dai, Yang Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Motion imitation based on sparsely sampled correspondence", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.17, no.4, 041009 (7 pages), June 2017.
Gang Xu, Tsz-Ho Kwok, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Isogeometric computation reuse method for complex objects with topology-consistent volumetric parameterization",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.91, pp.1-13, October 2017.
Weiming Wang, Baojun Li, Sicheng Qian, Yongjin Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Ligang Liu and Xiuping Liu,
"Cross section based hollowing and structural enhancement", The Visual Computer,
Special Issue of Computer Graphics International 2017 Conference, vol.33, no.6-8, pp.949-960, Yokohama, Japan, June 27-30, 2017.
Lianping Xing, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kin-Chuen Hui,
"Coherent spherical range-search for dynamic points on GPUs", Computer-Aided Design, vol.86, pp.12-25, May 2017.
Kai-Ming Yu, Yu Wang, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Smooth geometry generation in additive manufacturing file format: problem study and new formulation",
Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol.23, no.1, 2017.
Yunbo Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Karthik Ramani, "Optimal fitting of strain-controlled flattenable mesh surfaces", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.87, no.9, pp.2873-2887, December 2016.
Jun Wu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Xiaoting Zhang, and Rüdiger Westermann,
"Self-supporting rhombic infill structures for additive manufacturing",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.80, pp.32-42, November 2016.
Xiaoting Zhang, Xinyi Le, Zhihao Wu, Emily Whiting, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Data-driven bending elasticity design by shell thickness", Computer Graphics Forum,
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2016, June 20-24, 2016, Berlin, Germany, vol.35, no.5, pp.157-166, 2016.
Shengjun Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Guido Brunnett, and Jun Wang,
"A closed-form formulation of HRBF-based surface reconstruction by approximate solution", Computer-Aided Design,
Special Issue of 2016 Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, June 20-24, 2016, Berlin, Germany, vol.78, pp.147-157, September 2016.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Yanqiu Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang, Yong-Jin Liu, and Kai Tang,
"Styling evolution for tight-fitting garments",
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.22, no.5, pp.1580-1591, May 2016.
Camille Schreck, Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Marie-Paule Cani,
Shuo Jin, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Jean-Francis Bloch,
"Nonsmooth developable geometry for interactively animating paper crumpling",
ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol.35, no.1, article no.10 (18 pages), December 2015.
Wei Gao, Yunbo Zhang, Devarajan Ramanujan, Karthik Ramani, Yong Chen,
Christopher B. Williams, Charlie C.L. Wang, Yung C. Shin, Song Zhang, Pablo D. Zavattieri,
"The status, challenges, and future of additive manufacturing in engineering",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.69, pp.65-89, December 2015. (Survey Paper)
Xiaoting Zhang, Xinyi Le, Athina Panotopoulou, Emily Whiting, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Perceptual models of preference in 3D printing direction",
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015),
vol.34, no.6, article no.215 (12 pages), November 2015.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Charlie C.L. Wang, Dongping Deng, Yunbo Zhang, and Yong Chen,
"Four-dimensional printing for freeform surfaces: design optimization of Origami and Kirigami structures",
ASME Journal of Mechanical Design,
Special Issue on Design for Additive Manufacturing, vol.137, no.11, 111712 (10 pages), October 2015.
Yuen-Shan Leung, Xiaoning Wang, Ying He, Yong-Jin Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"A unified framework for isotropic meshing based on narrow-banded Euclidean distance transformation",
Computational Visual Media, vol.1, no.3, pp.239-251, September 2015.
Kailun Hu, Shuo Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Support slimming for single material based additive manufacturing",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.65, pp.1-10, August 2015.
Ran Fan, Xiaogang Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Multi-region segmentation based on compact shape prior",
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.12, no.3, pp.1047-1058, July 2015.
Yu Wang, Kai-Ming Yu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Spiral and conformal cooling in plastic injection molding",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.63, pp.1-11, June 2015.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Kwok-Yun Yeung, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Volumetric template fitting for human body reconstruction from incomplete data",
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol.33, no.4, pp.678-689, October 2014.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Shape optimization for human-centric product with standardized components",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.52, pp.51-63, July 2014.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Gershon Elber,
"Multi-dimensional dynamic programming in ruled surface fitting", Computer-Aided Design, vol.51, pp.39-49, June 2014.
Shuo Jin, Yunbo Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Deformation with enforced metrics on length, area and volume",
Computer Graphics Forum, Special Issue of Eurographics 2014, April 7-11, 2014, Strasbourg, France, vol.33, no.2, pp.429-438, May 2014.
Lianping Xing, Xiaoting Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang and Kin-Chuen Hui,
"Highly parallel algorithms for visual perception guided surface remeshing",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.34, no.1, pp.52-64, February 2014.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Domain construction for volumetric cross-parameterization",
Computers & Graphics, Special Issue of CAD/Graphics 2013 Conference (with acceptance ratio as 31/344 = 9.01%), November 16-18, 2013, Hong Kong, vol.38, pp.86-96, February 2014.
(Best Paper Honorable Mention)
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen,
"Thickening freeform surfaces for solid fabrication",
Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol.19, no.6, pp.395-406, November 2013.
Kwok-Yun Yeung, Tsz-Ho Kwok, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Improved skeleton tracking by duplex Kinects: a practical approach for real-time applications",
ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.13, no.4, 041007 (10 pages), October 2013.
Xuejin Zhao, Yayue Pan, Chi Zhou, Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"An integrated CNC accumulation system for automatic building-around-inserts",
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol.15, no.4, pp.432-443, October 2013.
Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Regulating complex geometries using Layered Depth-Normal Images for rapid prototyping and manufacturing",
Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol.19, no.4, pp.253-268, July 2013.
Pu Huang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen, "Intersection-free and topologically faithful slicing of implicit solid",
ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.13, no.2, 021009 (13 pages), June 2013.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Dinesh Manocha, "GPU-based offset surface computation using point samples",
Computer-Aided Design, Special Issue of 2012 Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, October 29-31, 2012, Dijon, France, vol.45, no.2, pp.321-330, February 2013.
Yuen-Shan Leung, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Conservative sampling of solids in image space",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.33, no.1, pp.14-25, January/February, 2013.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Dinesh Manocha, "Efficient boundary extraction of BSP solids based on clipping operations",
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.19, no.1, pp.16-29, January 2013.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Yunbo Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Efficient optimization of common base domains for cross-parameterization",
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.18, no.10, pp.1678-1692, October 2012.
Shengjun Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Quasi-interpolation for surface reconstruction from scattered data with radial basis function", Computer Aided Geometric Design,
Special Issue of 2012 Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP) conference, June 20-22, 2012, Mount Huang, vol.29, no.7, pp.435-447, October 2012.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Yunbo Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Constructing common base domains by cues from Voronoi diagram",
Graphical Models, Special Issue of 2012 Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP) Conference, June 20-22, 2012, Mount Huang, vol.74, no.4, pp.152-163, July 2012.
Shengjun Liu, Kwan-Chung Chan and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Iterative consolidation of unorganized points",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.32, no.3, pp.70-83, May 2012.
Yuwei Meng, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Xiaogang Jin, "Flexible shape control for automatic resizing of apparel products",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.44, no.1, pp.68-76, January 2012.
Samuel S.-M. Li, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kin-Chuen Hui, "Bending-invariant correspondence matching on 3D human bodies for feature point extraction",
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.8, no.4, pp.805-814, October 2011.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Computing on rays: a parallel approach for surface mesh modeling from multi-material volumetric data",
Computers in Industry, vol.62, no.7, pp.660-671, September 2011.
Yu Wang, Kai-Ming Yu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yunbo Zhang, "Automatic design of conformal cooling circuit for rapid tooling",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.43, no.8, pp.1001-1010, August 2011.
Hanli Zhao, Charlie C.L. Wang, Yong Chen, and Xiaogang Jin, "Parallel and efficient Boolean on polygonal solids",
The Visual Computer, Special Issue of Computer Graphics International 2011 (CGI 2011), vol.27, no.6-8, pp.507-517, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 12-15, 2011.
(With acceptance ratio as 35/220 = 15.91%)
Yuen-Shan Leung, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yunbo Zhang, "Localized construction of curved surfaces from polygon meshes: a simple and practical approach on GPU",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.43, no.6, pp.573-585, June 2011.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Approximate Boolean operations on large polyhedral solids with partial mesh reconstruction",
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.17, no.6, pp.836-849, June 2011.
Shengjun Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Fast intersection-free offset surface generation from freeform models with triangular meshes",
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.8, no.2, pp.347-360, April 2011.
Chih-Hsing Chu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Chi-Rung Tsai, "Strip approximation with Bezier patches in conical form for design and manufacturing of developable materials",
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol.24, no.3, pp.269-284, March 2011.
Yunbo Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "WireWarping++: Robust and flexible surface flattening with length control",
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.8, no.1, pp.205-215, January 2011.
Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Uniform offsetting of polygonal model based on Layered Depth-Normal Images",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.43, no.1, pp.31-46, January 2011.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Hoi Sheung, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Fast query for exemplar-based image completion",
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.19, no.12, pp.3106-3115, December 2010.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yunbo Zhang, and Hoi Sheung, "From designing products to fabricating them from planar materials",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.20, no.6, pp.74-85, November 2010.
Chih-Hsing Chu, Ya-Tien Tsai, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Tsz-Ho Kwok, "Exemplar-based statistical model for semantic parametric design of human body",
Computers in Industry, vol.61, no.6, pp.541-549, August 2010.
Shengjun Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Orienting unorganized points for surface reconstruction",
Computers & Graphics, Special Issue of IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2010),
vol.34, no.3, pp.209-218, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, Aix-en-Provence, France, June 21-23, 2010.
Juncong Lin, Xiaogang Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Fusion of disconnected mesh components with branching shape",
The Visual Computer, Special Issue of Computer Graphics International (CGI 2010), vol.26, no.6-8, pp.1017-1025,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, June 8-11, 2010.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yuen-Shan Leung, and Yong Chen, "Solid modeling of polyhedral objects by Layered Depth-Normal Images on the GPU",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.42, no.6, pp.535-544, June 2010.
Jun Wu, Dangxiao Wang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yuru Zhang, "Toward stable and realistic haptic interaction for tooth preparation simulation",
ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.10, no.2, 021007 (9 pages), June 2010.
Jun Wu, Yuen-Shan Leung, Charlie C.L. Wang, Dangxiao Wang, and Yuru Zhang, "Smooth force rendering on coarse polygonal meshes",
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Special Issue of 23rd International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents,
vo.21, no.3-4, pp.235-244, Saint-Malo, France, May 31 - June 2, 2010.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Pattern computation for compression garment by a physical/geometric approach",
Computer-Aided Design, vol.42, no.2, pp.78-86, February 2010.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "A note on least-norm solution of global WireWarping", Computer-Aided Design, vol.41, no.9, pp.695-698, September 2009.
Hanli Zhao, Ran Fan, Charlie C.L. Wang, Xiaogang Jin, Yuwei Meng, "Fireworks controller",
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Special Issue of International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents 2009, vol.20, no.2-3, pp.185-194, June 2009.
Shengjun Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Duplex fitting of zero-level and offset surfaces", Computer-Aided Design, vol.41, no.4, pp.268-281, April 2009.
Xiaogang Jin, Jiayi Xu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Shengsheng Huang, and Jun Zhang, "Interactive control of large-crowd navigation in virtual environment using vector field", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.28, no.6, pp.37-46, November/December 2008.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Extracting manifold and feature-enhanced mesh surfaces from binary volumes", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.8, no.3, September 2008.
Chuan Zhou, Xiaogang Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Shear buckling and dynamic bending in cloth simulation", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Special Issue of International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents 2008, vol.19, no.3-4, pp.493-503, August 2008.
Chih-Hsing Chu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Chi-Rung Tsai, "Computer aided geometric design of strip using developable Bezier patches", Computers in Industry, vol.59, no.6, pp.601-611, August 2008.
Chuan Zhou, Xiaogang Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Efficient and stable simulation of cloth undergoing large rotations", Computing in Science & Engineering, IEEE Computer Society and American Institute of Physics, vol.10, no.4, pp.30-40, July/August 2008.
Chuan Zhou, Xiaogang Jin, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Jieqing Feng, "Plausible cloth animation using dynamic bending model", Progress in Natural Science, vol.18, no.7, pp.879-885, July 2008.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Flattenable mesh surface fitting on boundary curves", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.8, no.2, June 2008.
Juncong Lin, Xiaogang Jin, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kin-Chuen Hui, "Mesh composition on models with arbitrary boundary topology", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.14, no.3, pp.653-665, May/June, 2008.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "WireWarping: A fast surface flattening approach with length-preserved feature curves", Computer-Aided Design, vol.40, no.3, pp.381-395, March 2008.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Towards flattenable mesh surfaces", Computer-Aided Design, vol.40, no.1, pp.109-122, January 2008.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Computing length-preserved free boundary for quasi-developable mesh segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.14, no.1, pp.25-36, January/February, 2008.
Min Li, Shuming Gao, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Real-time collaborative design with heterogeneous CAD systems based on neutral modeling commands", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.7, no.2, pp.113-125, June 2007.
Shengjun Liu, Xiaogang Jin, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kin-Chuen Hui, "Ellipsoidal-blob approximation of 3D models and its applications", Computers & Graphics, vol.31, no.2, pp.243-251, 2007.
Jianbing Shen, Xiaogang Jin, Chuan Zhou, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Gradient based image completion by solving Poisson equation", Computers & Graphics, vol.31, no.1, pp.119-126, 2007.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Kin-Chuen Hui, and K.M. Tong, "Volume parameterization for design automation of customized free-form products", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.4, no.1, pp.11-21, 2007.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Woven model based geometric design of elastic medical braces", Computer-Aided Design, vol.39, no.1, pp.69-79, 2007.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Direct extraction of surface meshes from implicitly represented heterogeneous volumes", Computer-Aided Design, vol.39, no.1, pp.35-50, 2007.
Shengjun Liu, Xiaogang Jin, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Jim X. Chen, "Water-wave animation on mesh surfaces", Computing in Science & Engineering, IEEE Computer Society and American Institute of Physics, vol.8, no.5, pp.81-87, September/October, 2006.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Bilateral recovering of sharp edges on feature-insensitive sampled meshes", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.12, no.4, pp.629-639, July/August, 2006.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Incremental reconstruction of sharp edges on mesh surfaces", Computer-Aided Design, vol.38, no.6, pp.689-702, 2006.
Xiaogang Jin, Juncong Lin, Charlie C.L. Wang, Jieqing Feng, and Hanqiu Sun, "Mesh fusion using functional blending on topologically incompatible sections", The Visual Computer, vol.22, no.4, pp.266-275, 2006.
Kai Tang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Danny Z. Chen, "Minimum area convex packing of two convex polygons", International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, vol.16, no.1, pp.41-74, 2006.
Yu Wang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Fast energy-based surface wrinkle modeling", Computers & Graphics, vol.30, no.1, pp.111-125, 2006.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Optimal boundary triangulations of an interpolating ruled surface", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.5, no.4, pp.291-301, 2005.
Xiaogang Jin, Shengjun Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Jieqing Feng, and Hanqiu Sun, "Blob-based liquid morphing", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Special Issue of International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents 2005, vol.16, no.3-4, pp.391-403, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Kai Tang, and Benjamin M.L. Yeung, "Freeform surface flattening by fitting a woven mesh model", Computer-Aided Design, vol.37, no.8, pp.799-814, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Design automation for customized apparel products", Computer-Aided Design, vol.37, no.7, pp.675-691, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Non-self-overlapping Hermite interpolation mapping: a practical solution for structured quadrilateral meshing", Computer-Aided Design, vol.37, no.2, pp.271-283, 2005.
Kai Tang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Modeling developable folds on a strip", ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.5, no.1, pp.35-47, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Parameterization and parametric design of mannequins", Computer-Aided Design, vol.37, no.1, pp.83-98, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Non-self-overlapping structured grid generation on an n-sided surface", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol.46, no.9, pp.961-982, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Achieving developability of a polygonal surface by minimum deformation: a study of global and local optimization approaches", The Visual Computer, vol.20, no.8-9, pp.521-539, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "CyberTape: an interactive measurement tool on polyhedral surface", Computers & Graphics, vol.28, no.5, pp.731-745, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, Kai Tang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Reduce the stretch in surface flattening by finding cutting paths to the surface boundary", Computer-Aided Design, vol.36, no.8, pp.665-677, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Algebraic grid generation on trimmed surface using non-self-overlapping Coons patch mapping", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.60, no.7, pp.1259-1286, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "On increasing the developability of a trimmed NURBS surface", Engineering with Computers, vol.20, no.1, pp.54-64, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Feature-based 3D non-manifold freeform object construction", Engineering with Computers, vol.19, no.2-3, pp.174-190, 2003.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Feature based 3D garment design through 2D sketches", Computer-Aided Design, vol.35, no.7, pp.659-672, 2003.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, Terry K.K. Chang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Virtual human modeling from photographs for garment industry", Computer-Aided Design, vol.35, no.6, pp.577-589, 2003.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "A binary morphology based filtering algorithm for reverse engineering", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.21, no.4, pp.257-262, 2003.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Terry K.K. Chang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "From laser-scanned data to feature human model: a system based on fuzzy logic concept", Computer-Aided Design, vol.35, no.3, pp.241-253, 2003.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Freeform extrusion by sketched input", Computers & Graphics, vol.27, no.2, pp.255-263, 2003.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Shana S.F. Smith, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Surface flattening based on energy model", Computer-Aided Design, vol.34, no.11, pp.823-833, 2002.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "A generic algorithm of mesh optimisation", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.18, no.10, pp.739-744, 2001.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Shiang-Fong Chen, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Fuzzy part family formation based on grey relational analysis", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.18, no.2, pp.128-132, 2001.
Conference Papers
(Note: The conference papers directly published in special issues of journals are not included here to avoid double count.)
Yinan Meng, Lutong Li, Helen Dawes, Andrew Weightman, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "FlexPAL (Flexible Pneumatic Actuated Linkage): The future of assistive robotics to improve quality of life", International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), May 12-16, 2025, Chicago, IL, USA.
Xingjian Han, Yu Jiang, Weiming Wang, Guoxin Fang, Simeon Gill, Zhiqiang Zhang, Shengfa Wang, Jun Saito, Deepak Kumar, Zhongxuan Luo, Emily Whiting, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Motion-driven neural optimizer for prophylactic braces made by distributed microstructures", ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, December 3-6, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.
Yingjun Tian, Guoxin Fang, Renbo Su, Weiming Wang, Simeon Gill, Andrew Weightman, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Function based sim-to-real learning for shape control of deformable free-form surfaces", Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, July 15-19, 2024, Delft, Netherlands.
Neelotpal Dutta, Tianyu Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Ismail E. Yigit, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Vector field based volume peeling for multi-axis machining", ASME IDETC/CIE 2023 Conference, 43rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, USA, August 20-23, 2023. (Best Paper Award)
Yingjun Tian, Renbo Su, Xilong Wang, Nur Banu Altin, Guoxin Fang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "OpenPneu: Compact platform for pneumatic actuation with multi-channels", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2023), Seattle, USA, June 27 - July 1, 2023.
Tianyu Zhang, Yuming Huang, Piotr Kukulski, Neelotpal Dutta, Guoxin Fang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Support generation for robot-assisted 3D printing with curved layers",
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023), London, United Kingdom, May 29 - June 2, 2023.
Zhishun Liu, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Jo M.P. Geraedts, Wenting Wang, Yeung Yam, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Photogrammetric reconstruction of a stolen statue", Eurographics 2023, Short Paper, Saarbrücken, Germany, May 8-12, 2023.
Guoxin Fang, Yingjun Tian, Andrew Weightman, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Collision-aware fast simulation for soft robots by optimization-based geometric computing", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, Japan, October 23-27, 2022.
Lihao Tian, Lin Lu, Weikai Chen, Yang Xia, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Wenping Wang, "Organic open-cell porous structure modeling", ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication, article no.9 (12 pages), November 5-6, 2020.
Alice Buso, Rob B.N. Scharff, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Jun Wu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Peter Vink,
"Soft robotic module for sensing and controlling contact force",
IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2020), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, April 6-9, 2020.
Guoxin Fang, Rob B.N. Scharff, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Controlling multi-segment soft robot for grasping: an approach based on geometric computing",
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2019), Vancouver, Canada, August 22-26, 2019.
Junhui Mei, Xinyi Le, Xiaoting Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"A learning-based approach for perceptual models of preference", Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
16th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2019), Moscow, Russia, July 10-12, 2019.
Rob B.N. Scharff, Jun Wu, Jo Geraedts, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Reducing out-of-plane deformation of soft robotic actuators for grasping stability",
IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2019), Seoul, Korea, April 14-18, 2019.
Guoxin Fang, Christopher-Denny Matte, Tsz-Ho Kwok, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Geometry-based direct simulation for multi-material soft robots",
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2018), Brisbane, Australia, May 21-25, 2018.
Rob B.N. Scharff, Rens M. Doornbusch, Xander L. Klootwijk, Ajinkya A. Doshi, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Jun Wu, Jo M.P. Geraedts, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Color-based sensing of bending deformation on soft robots",
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2018), Brisbane, Australia, May 21-25, 2018.
Minjing Yu, Yong-Jin Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"EasySRRobot: an easy-to-build self-reconfigurable robot with optimized design",
IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Macau, December 5-8, 2017. (Finalist of Best Student Paper Award)
Xiaoting Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Chengkai Dai, Jouke Verlinden, Jun Wu, Emily Whiting, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Thermal-comfort design of personalized casts",
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), pp.243-254, Quebec City, Canada, October 22-25, 2017.
Yu Song, Roy A. Boekraad, Lampros Roussos, Adrie Kooijman, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Jo M.P. Geraedts,
"3D printed electronics: opportunities and challenges from case studies",
ASME IDETC/CIE 2017 Conference, 37th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6-9, 2017.
Wonsup Lee, Lye Goto, Johan F.M. Molenbroek, Richard H.M. Goossens, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"A shape-based sizing system for facial wearable product design",
The 5th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, Bonn, Germany, June 26-28, 2017.
Chuhua Xian, Junxian Huang, Shuo Jin, Guoliang Luo, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Real-time C^2-weighting based character skinning powered by GPU",
The 30th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2017), Seoul, South Korea, May 22-24, 2017.
Chenming Wu, Chengkai Dai, Guoxin Fang, Yong-Jin Liu, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"RoboFDM: a robotic system for support-free fabrication using FDM",
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), Singapore, May 29 - June 3, 2017.
Chenming Wu, Ran Yi, Yong-Jin Liu, Ying He, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Delta DLP 3D printing with large size",
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Daejeon, Korea, October 9-14, 2016.
Tsz Ho Kwok, Weiwei Wan, Jia Pan, Charlie C.L. Wang, Jianjun Yuan, Kensuke Harada, and Yong Chen, "Rope caging and grasping", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2016), pp.1980-1986, Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016.
Qianwen Chao, Jiangfan Yu, Chengkai Dai, Tiantian Xu, Li Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Xiaogang Jin, "Steering micro-robotic swarm by dynamic actuating fields", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2016), pp.5230-5235, Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016.
Kailun Hu, Xiaoting Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Direct computation of minimal rotation for support slimming", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, August 24-28, 2015.
Ka-Chun Chan, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Progressive segmentation for MRR-based feed-rate optimization in CNC machining", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, August 24-28, 2015. (Best Application Paper Award - Finalist)
Wuyuan Xie, Chengkai Dai, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Photometric stereo with near point lighting: A solution by mesh deformation", 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2015), Boston, Massachusetts, June 7-12, 2015.
Xiaoting Zhang, Ka-Chun Chan, Charlie C.L. Wang, Kwok-Chuen Wong and Shekhar-Madhukar Kumta, "Computing stable contact interface for customized surgical jigs", 2015 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015), Seattle, Washington, May 26-30, 2015.
Yang Zheng, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Pedalvatar: An IMU-based real-time body motion capture system using foot rooted kinematic model", 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), Chicago, Illinois, September 14-18, 2014.
Wuyuan Xie, Yunbo Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Ronald C.-K. Chung, "Surface-from-Gradients: An approach based on discrete geometry processing", 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2014), Columbus, Ohio, June 24-27, 2014. (Oral presentation paper - with acceptance ratio as 5.75%)
Pu Huang, Yong Chen, Yongqiang Li, Charlie C.L. Wang, "Shape acquiring and editing through an augmented reality based 3D CAD system", CAD'14 Conference, Hong Kong, China, June 23-26, 2014.
Xuejin Zhao, Yayue Pan, Chi Zhou, Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "An integrated CNC accumulation system for automatic building-around-inserts", Proceeding of 41th SME-North American Manufacturing Research Conference, NAMRC41-1574, Madison, Wisconsin, June 10-14, 2013. (NAMRI/SME Outstanding Paper Award)
Lianping Xing, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kin-Chuen Hui, "Visual perception guided surface remeshing", International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, December 12-14, 2012.
Yuen-Shan Leung, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen, "GPU-based Minkowski sum with enclosed voids", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.10, no.3, pp.475-487, CAD'12 Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, June 11-14, 2012.
Pu Huang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen, "Self-intersection free and topologically faithful slicing of implicit solid", ASME IDETC/CIE 2011 Conference, 31th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA. (Prakash Krishnaswami CAPPD Best Paper Award)
Pu Huang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Volume and complexity bounded simplification of solid model represented by binary space partition", ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2010, pp.177-182, Haifa, Israel, September 1-3, 2010.
Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Contouring of structured points with small features", ASME IDETC/CIE 2010 Conference, 30th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15-18, 2010.
Hongwei Lin, Yunbo Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Shuming Gao, "Flattenable mesh processing by controllable Laplacian evolution", ASME IDETC/CIE 2010 Conference, 30th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15-18, 2010.
Ya-Tien Tsai, Chih-Hsing Chu, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Parametric modeling of the human body shape by statistical model", Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE2010), Ancona, Italy, April 12-16, 2010.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Interactive image inpainting using DCT based exemplar matching", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.5876, pp.709-718,5th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 30 - December 2, 2009.
Hoi Sheung, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Robust mesh reconstruction from unoriented noisy points", ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2009, pp.13-24, San Francisco, California, October 5-8, 2009.
Hoi Sheung, Siu Ping Mok, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "A highly parallel approach to meshing scattered point data", ASME IDETC/CIE 2009 Conference, 29th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, August 30 - September 2, 2009.
Jun Wu, Ge Yu, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Voxel-based interactive haptic simulation of dental drilling", ASME IDETC/CIE 2009 Conference, 29th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, August 30 - September 2, 2009.
Shengjun Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Kin-Chuen Hui, Xiaogang Jin, and Hanli Zhao, "Approximating solid objects by ellipsoid-tree", The 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2009), pp.134-139, Mount Huang, China, August 19 - 21, 2009.
Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Layered Depth-Normal Images for complex geometries - part one: accurate sampling and adaptive modeling", ASME IDETC/CIE 2008 Conference, 28th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, New York City, New York, August 3-6, 2008. (Best Paper Award)
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen, "Layered Depth-Normal Images for complex geometries - part two: manifold-preserved adaptive contouring", ASME IDETC/CIE 2008 Conference, 28th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, New York City, New York, August 3-6, 2008.
Wei-Lun Tsai, Charlie C.L. Wang, Chih-Hsing Chu, and Kai Tang, "Optimal quadrangulation of a strip for flank milling", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.5, nos.1-4, pp.307-315, CAD'08 Conference, Orlando, Florida, June 23-27, 2008.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Pattern computation for compression garment", ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008, pp.203-211, Stony Brook, New York, USA, June 2-4, 2008.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "A least-norm approach to flattenable mesh surface processing", IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2008, pp.131-138, Stony Brook, New York, USA, June 4-6, 2008.
Juncong Lin, Xiaogang Jin, Zhengwen Fan, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Automatic polycube-maps", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.4975, pp.3-16, Geometric Modeling and Processing 2008 (GMP08), Hangzhou, China, April 23-25, 2008.
Xiaogang Jin, Charlie C.L. Wang, Shengsheng Huang, and Jiayi Xu, "Interactive control of real-time crowd navigation in virtual environment", ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2007, pp.109-112, Newport Beach, California, November 5-7, 2007.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Reconstruction of mesh surface with sharp-edges from binary volume models", ASME IDETC/CIE 2007, 27th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-7, 2007.
Samuel S.-M. Li, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kin-Chuen Hui, "Correspondences matching on 3D freeform mesh models", ASME IDETC/CIE 2007, 33rd Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-7, 2007.
Shengjun Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Kin-Chuen Hui, Xiaogang Jin, and Hanli Zhao, "Ellipsoid-tree construction for solid objects", ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2007, pp.303-308, Beijing, China, June 4-6, 2007.
Chih-Hsing Chu, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Chi-Rung Tsai, "Strip approximation using developable Bezier patches: a local optimization approach", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.4, no.6, pp.807-816, CAD'07 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 25-29, 2007.
Juncong Lin, Xiaogang Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Sketch based mesh fusion", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.4035, pp.90-101, The 24th Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI'2006), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, June 26-28, 2006.
Shengjun Liu, Xiaogang Jin, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Target shape controlled cloud animation", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.4035, pp.578-585, The 24th Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI'2006), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, June 26-28, 2006.
A.F. Zhou, K.C. Hui, Y.M. Tang, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "An accelerated BEM approach for the simulation of deformable objects", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.3, no.6, pp.761-770, CAD'06 Conference, Phuket, Thailand, June 19-23, 2006.
Yu Wang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Duplicate-skins for compatible mesh modelling", ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2006, pp.207-217, Cardiff University, Wales, UK, June 6-8, 2006.
K.M. Tong, K.C. Hui, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Mesh fitting based 3D character modeling", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.3942, pp.861-872, Edutainment 2006 Conference, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, April 16-18, 2006.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Length-preserved natural boundary for intrinsic parameterization", Proceedings of the 9th International CAD/Graphics conference, pp.295-300, Hong Kong, December 7-10, 2005.
Juncong Lin, Xiaogang Jin, Charlie C.L. Wang, Jieqing Feng, and Hanqiu Sun, "Topology-free mesh fusion", Proceedings of 13th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, pp.38-40, Pacific Graphics 2005, Short Paper, Macau, October 12-14, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Non-iterative reconstruction of sharp edges", Proceedings of 13th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, pp.127-129, Pacific Graphics 2005, Short Paper, Macau, October 12-14, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Developable triangulations of a strip", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.2, nos.1-4, pp.233-242, CAD'05 Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, June 20-24, 2005.
J.Y. Chen, Y.S. Ma, Charlie C.L. Wang, and C.K. Au, "Collaborative design environment with multiple CAD systems", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.2, nos.1-4, pp.367-376, CAD'05 Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, June 20-24, 2005.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Kai Tang, "Developability-preserved free-form deformation of assembled patches", Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 2004, Genova, Italy, June 7-9, pp.231-236, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, "CAD tools in fashion/garment design", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.1, pp.53-62, CAD'04 Conference, Pattaya Beach, Thailand, May 24-28, 2004. (Invited Tutorial Talk)
Benjamin M.L. Yeung, Kai Tang, and Charlie C.L. Wang,"Fitting a fabric woven model onto a surface based on energy minimization", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.1, pp.197-206, CAD'04 Conference, Pattaya Beach, Thailand, May 24-28, 2004.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "GarSketch3D: a sketch-based 3D apparel product modeling platform", ICED03 - The 14th International Conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm, Sweden, August, 2003.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Remeshing based mesh smoothing by 2D sketches input", 2002 ASME DETC/CIE, 22nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, September/October, 2002.
Yu Wang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "3D 'micro-geometry' modeling from image cues", 2002 ASME DETC/CIE, 22nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, September/October, 2002.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Sketch based mesh extrusion with remeshing techniques", 2001 ASME DETC/CIE, 21st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September, 2001. (Best Paper Award)
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "View-dependent deformation with sketching input", 2001 ASME DETC/CIE, 27th Design Automation Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September, 2001.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Yu Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "View-dependent deformation for virtual human modeling from silhouettes", IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing - VIIP 2001, Marbella, Spain, September 3-5, 2001.
Yu Wang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Feature silhouette extraction from photographs for virtual human modeling", IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing - VIIP 2001, Marbella, Spain, September 3-5, 2001.
Terry K.K. Chang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Web-based design and manufacturing of custom manniquin model", ICED01 - The 13th International Conference on Engineering Design, Glasgow, UK, August, 2001.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, and Yu Wang, " 'Thin' vs. 'Fat' client of web-based CAD tools", 2000 ASME DETC/CIE, 20th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, September, 2000.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, and Yu Wang, "Fluid simulation on the World Wide Web: transient natural convection in a cavity", 2000 ASME DETC/CIE, 26th Design Automation Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, September, 2000.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Shiang-Fong Chen, Jin Fan, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, "Two-dimensional trimmed surface development using a physics-based model", 1999 ASME DETC, 25th Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September, 1999.
Book and Book Chapters
Chi-Chung Li, Chengkai Dai, Wei-Hsin Liao, and Charlie C.L. Wang, "Towards direct deposition of continuous-fibers on curved surfaces", Recent Advances in Additive Manufacturing, pp.77-96, 2020.
Rob B.N. Scharff, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Wim A. Poelman, Pieter P. Jonker, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Jo M.P. Geraedts,
"Towards behavior design of a 3D-printed soft robotic hand",
Proceedings of the Soft Robotics Week, April 25-30, 2016, Livorno, Italy, Springer.
Tsz-Ho Kwok, Yong Chen, and Charlie C.L. Wang,
"Geometric analysis and computation using Layered Depth-Normal Images for three-dimensional microfabrication",
Chapter 5, Three-Dimensional Microfabrication Using Two-photon Polymerization, pp.119-147, 2016.
Pu Huang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen, "Algorithms for layered manufacturing in image space",
Book Chapter, ASME Advances in Computers and Information in Engineering Research, vol.1, pp.377-410, August 2014.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Geometric Modeling and Reasoning of Human-Centered Freeform Products, Springer, 2013.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yong Chen, Special issue on "Geometric and Physical Modeling for Additive Manufacturing", Computer-Aided Design, vol.69, 2015.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Chih-Hsing Chu, Lihui Wang, and Karthik Ramani, Special Issue on "Depth Cameras Based Techniques and Applications in Design, Manufacturing and Services", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol.33, no.4, October 2014.
Charlie C.L. Wang, Special issue on "Recent Technology in Design and Manufacturing Automation", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol.26, no.10, 2013.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Chih-Hsing Chu, Special issue on "Computer Techniques in Design and Manufacturing of Soft Products", Computers in Industry, vol.61, no.6, 2010.
Kin-Chuen Hui, Zhigeng Pan, Ronald Chi-kit Chung, Charlie C.L. Wang, Xiaogang Jin, Stefan Gobel, Eric C.-L. Li, Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, ISBN-10: 3-540-73010-9, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.4469, Springer-Verlag, 2007.
Charlie C.L. Wang, and Matthew M.F. Yuen, Special issue on "CAD Methods in Garment Design", Computer-Aided Design, vol.37, no.6, 2005.
Book Review
Charlie C.L. Wang, "Realizing CAD/CAM by polygonal meshes", Computer-Aided Design, vol.43, no.4, pp.457, 2011.
Wang Changling, Sketch based 3D freeform object modeling with non-manifold data structure, Ph.D. Thesis, Hong Kong University of Science and Techbology, June, 2002.
Wang Changling, Surface free-form deformation and physics-based surface development, M.Phil. Thesis, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, December, 1999.